Sci­en­ti­fic net­wor­ks

Home Claraforschung

An extensive national and international research network and a broad clinical network allow us to pursue our goals in multi-centre studies and with state-of-the-art examination and analysis techniques.

The transfer of knowledge and the mentoring of young scientists is particularly important to us. Numerous students (Master's students, doctoral students, PhDs and postdocs) from the University of Basel, ETH Zurich, the University of Hohenheim and the Technical University of Munich are therefore involved in our research projects.

Clar­un­is Net­work - Vis­ceral Sur­gery Re­se­arch Group

The network dates back more than 50 years to the Department of Surgery at the University of Basel under Professor Martin Allgöwer, MD, Professor of Surgery. The network includes clinics that had and still have a close relationship with the Basel School of Surgery. When new head physician positions were filled with Basel students (e.g. Chur, Lugano, St. Claraspital etc.), an initial exchange of staff (MA) to the periphery, but also vice versa to the university centre, took place. Allgöwer's successor, Prof. Felix Harder, MD, has further expanded and intensified this interaction with the clinics and has now established video conferencing (VC) as a training and further education platform ("Smart Hour").

Based on these well-founded and institutionalised pillars (VC and MA exchange) with the affiliated core clinics, Clarunis 2019 under Prof. Markus von Flüe, MD, raised awareness that a further, joint field could be worked on, namely that this network holds an extraordinarily large potential for clinical research, which should be worked on and used as a further cornerstone of the network in the extended northwest of Switzerland.

A first network study (EvaCol) was launched and conducted under the leadership of PD Dr Marco von Strauss and completed with over 1,100 colorectal surgery patients included. Under the new head of Clarunis, Professor Beat Müller, this core network is taking on an even larger dimension (graphic representation of the Clarunis network) and is gaining in importance for Clarunis and thus for St. Clara research.

Clarunis network
- Clarunis, Prof Dr med Beat Müller
- Lucerne Cantonal Hospital (LUKS), Prof. Martin Bolli, MD
- Biel Hospital Centre (SZB), Prof. Dr med. Carsten Th. Viehl
- Aarau Cantonal Hospital (KSA), Prof. Mark Hartel, MD
- Lindenhof Hospital, Prof. Mathias Worni, MD
- Upper Valais Hospital Centre (SZO), Dr Thomas Somon, MD
- St Anna Clinic Lucerne, Prof Markus von Flüe, MD
- Olten Cantonal Hospital, Prof. Uli Dietz, MD
- Limmattal Hospital Schlieren, Prof. Urs Zingg, MD
- Cantonal Hospital Basel-Land (KSBL) Liestal, Prof. Robert Rosenberg, MD

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